Zach Hover
Zach was born in State College, Pennsylvania. By the age of 8, he had moved to 4 different schools in 3 different states. Zach grew up right outside of Dallas, Texas where he attended grades 3 through 12, eventually applying to and attending North Carolina State University to earn his B.A. in Communication with a concentration in Public Relations. His professional interests include content marketing and strategy, brand management, and digital marketing.
Kamrie J. Risku
Kamrie J. Risku was born in Duluth, Minnesota but grew up a military child. She lived in Minnesota, Texas, Germany, North Carolina, and eventually landed in Maryland. Kamrie earned her B.A. in Political Science from North Carolina State University and her M.Ed. in Higher Education, Student Affairs and International Education Policy from the University of Maryland. Her research interests include Multiraciality in higher education and applying justice-oriented frameworks to develop engaged teaching pedagogies.